Guddoomiyaha Xaafadaha Dhoobley oo sheegay inay carro buuxin ku sameeyeen Waddooyinka

Aerial view of the Somali village of Bardera. Some vehicles are seen leaving the village on a dirt road that leads out of the town. The Botswana Army is being used to provide security for the humanitarian relief groups that are distributing food to the people of Bardera. This mission is in direct support of Operation Restore Hope.

Dhoobley(Idaacadda Sanguuni) Guddoomiyaha shanta xaafadood ee magaalada Dhoobley ayaa ka warramay xaaladda guud ee roobabkii u danbeeyey ee deegaanka ka da’ay iyo saamaynta ay yeesheen.

Cumar Maxamed Dayib ayaa ka warramaya